Synchronous Configuration

The API of sywac can be logically separated into two stages of an app’s lifecycle: First is configuration, and second is execution.

This page covers all the methods designed for the configuration stage. Use these methods to configure an Api instance, which mainly consists of telling it what types to expect (e.g. arguments, options, and commands), defining validation and control flow, and tweaking help text settings.

The following methods are listed in alphabetical order.

.array(flags, opts)
.boolean(flags, opts)
.command(dsl, opts)
.commandDirectory(dir, opts)
.dir(flags, opts)
.enumeration(flags, opts)
.example(example, opts)
.file(flags, opts)
.help(flags, opts)
.number(flags, opts)
.numberArray(flags, opts)
.option(flags, opts)
.path(flags, opts)
.positional(dsl, opts)
.preface(icon, slogan)
.registerFactory(name, factory)
.string(flags, opts)
.stringArray(flags, opts)
.version(flags, opts)

.array(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as an array.

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-a, --array <values..>' would allow -a or --array to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    In addition to common type properties, the object may also define:

    •  delimiter or delim: string or RegExp, default ','

      A delimiter used to split a single value into multiple values during parsing.

      For example, parsing -a one,two would add values 'one' and 'two' to the array instead of 'one,two'.

    •  cumulative: boolean, default true

      If a flag is given multiple times, should the array value include all values from all flags (default) or only use the value(s) from the last flag given?

      For example, parsing -a one two -a three four in cumulative mode would result in an array value of ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']. If you turn this off, the result would be only ['three', 'four'].

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.array('-s, --services <a,b,c..>', {
  desc: 'Specify one or more services'

See Array for further details and examples.

.boolean(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as a boolean.

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-b, --bool' would allow -b or --bool to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    See common type properties.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.boolean('-f, --force', {
  desc: 'Run the program regardless of warnings'

See Boolean for further details and examples.


Since 1.0.0

Define any custom validation logic to run after all types have been parsed, validated, and coerced. The handler will not be called if help or version are explicitly requested.

  •  handler: function, no default

    An asynchronous function (may return a Promise) which may perform custom validation before control is returned to app logic.

    The function should report validation errors using the context.cliMessage(msg) method. If the function throws or returns a rejected Promise, an unexpected error will be given in resolved parsing results. If no messages are added to the context and the handler doesn’t throw or return a rejected Promise, validation is assumed to be successful. If the function returns a Promise, sywac will wait until it resolves or rejects before continuing.

    This function will be passed the following two arguments:

    •  argv: object

      An object representing parsed, validated, and coerced values. Each object property represents a mapping of alias to parsed value for each expected or encountered type.

    •  context: Context

      An instance representing the state of parsing and execution. Validation errors should be reported via the cliMessage(msg) method.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


  .file('-f <file>', {
    desc: 'Path to JSON file, optional, implies -k <key>',
    mustExist: true
  .string('-k <key>', {
    desc: 'A key in JSON file, optional, implies -f <file>'
  .check((argv, context) => {
    if (!argv.f && !argv.k) return
    // sync validation, fail-fast
    if (!argv.k) {
      return context.cliMessage('Cannot specify a file without a key')
    if (!argv.f) {
      return context.cliMessage('Cannot specify a key without a file')
    // async validation
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      require('fs').readFile(argv.f, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
        if (err) return reject(err)
        data = JSON.parse(data)
        if (!data[argv.k]) {
          return resolve(context.cliMessage(`File missing key ${argv.k}`))
        argv.value = data[argv.k]
  .then(argv => console.log(argv))

.command(dsl, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a command that should be executed when encountered during parsing.

  •  dsl: string or module/object, no default

    If dsl is a string, it defines the canonical alias of the command and any positional arguments the command may accept. The first word in the string represents the canonical alias and any subsequent content will be treated as positional arguments.

    If dsl is an object, the dsl string should be specified via the flags property (similar to other types).

    If the canonical alias is *, the command will be considered a default command and will be hidden from help text unless a non-default alias is defined in opts.

    Since the dsl string will be used in help text (by default), it may contain content that should not be treated as explicit positional args, as long as you specify the ignore option in opts.

  •  opts: object or function, no default

    If opts is an object, it defines configuration for the command.

    If opts is a function, it specifies the run handler of the command without any detailed configuration.

    The following configuration properties are supported:

    • flags, aliases, description/desc, hints, group, hidden from common type properties
    • ignore: string or array of strings, words to ignore in the dsl string
    • params: array of objects, used to configure each positional arg in dsl string, see positional method
    • paramsDescription or paramsDesc: string or array of strings, shortcut to add description for positional args without defining params
    • paramsDsl: string, this is mostly for internal use
    • paramsGroup: string, the help text group header for positional args, default 'Arguments:'
    • setup: function, defines the setup handler
    • run: function, defines the run handler

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


// inline simple
sywac.commmand('get <key>', argv => console.log(`looking up key ${argv.key}`))

// inline advanced
sywac.command('remote <subcommand> [args]', {
  desc: 'Work with remotes via subcommand',
  ignore: ['<subcommand>', '[args]'],
  setup: sywac => {
      .command('add <name> <url>', {
        desc: 'Add a new remote',
        paramsDesc: ['The name of the remote', 'The url of the remote'],
        run: (argv, context) => {
          if (remoteExists( {
            return context.cliMessage(`Remote ${} already exists`)
          console.log(`adding remote ${} with url ${argv.url}`)
      .command('prune [name=origin]', {
        desc: 'Remove stale remote tracking branches',
        paramsDesc: 'Optionally specify the remote to prune',
        run: argv => console.log(`pruning ${}`)

// module

Commands are a big topic. See Command or any of the COMMANDS pages for further details and examples.

.commandDirectory(dir, opts)

Since 1.2.0

Load all files in the given directory and add each as a command module.

This is a convenient alternative to calling the command method multiple times.

For example, instead of this:


you could do this:


In order for a command module to be added, it must export one of the following (at least):

  1. An object with a flags or aliases property (to define command dsl or aliases)
  2. A function (used as the run handler, command alias will be the filename)

Any modules encountered that do not meet these criteria will be ignored.

Any files (matching the required extensions) that exist in the directory and cannot be loaded via require() will cause this method to throw an error.

  •  dir: string, default is equivalent of '.'

    The path to the directory to load modules from.

    It can be relative to the file calling this method, or it can be absolute.

    If not given, the directory of the calling file will be used (i.e. sibling files will be loaded).

    If a directory is given that does not exist, this method will throw an error.

    Nested directories in dir will be ignored.

  •  opts: object or function, default { extensions: ['.js'] }

    The following configuration properties are supported:

    • extensions: array of strings, files in dir must have one of these extensions

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


// relative 1

// relative 2

// absolute

// equivalent of __dirname

// optionally specify required file extensions
sywac.commandDirectory('src/commands', {
  extensions: ['.js', '.coffee']

See Command Modules for further details and examples.


Since 1.0.0

Configure the Api instance directly.

  •  opts: object, no default

    The following properties are supported:

    •  name: string, default is basename of process.argv[1]

      Explicitly define the name of the program to use in help text. This value will be used in place of $0 in usage content or examples.

    •  factories: object

      Register factory methods for custom types. Each property should be the name of the factory and the factory function. See registerFactory method.

    •  utils: object, default is an instance of require('sywac/lib/utils')

      Override functions defined in a utility class.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.configure({ name: 'example' })

See Advanced Customizations for further details and examples.


Since 1.0.0

Add an instance of any Type, representing an expected option, argument, or command.

  •  type: instance of class extending require('sywac/types/type')

    The given object is expected to have certain methods, like parse (context), conforming to the contract defined by the Type class. The easiest way to define a custom type is to extend one of the classes from sywac/types.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


const url = require('url')
const TypeString = require('sywac/types/string')
class BaseUrl extends TypeString {
  get datatype () {
    return 'baseurl'
  getValue (context) {
    let v = super.getValue(context)
    if (!v) return v
    const p = v.includes('//') ? url.parse(v) : url.parse('http://' + v)
    let proto = p.protocol || 'http:'
    if (!proto.endsWith('//')) proto += '//'
    v = proto + ( || '') + (p.pathname || '')
    return v.endsWith('/') ? v.slice(0, -1) : v
sywac.custom(new BaseUrl({
  flags: '-u, --url <baseurl>',
  desc: 'A base url i.e. [protocol://]host[:port][/path]',
  defaultValue: 'localhost:8080'

See Custom Types for further details and examples.

.dir(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as a directory path.

This is equivalent to calling .path(flags, Object.assign({ fileAllowed: false }, opts))

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-d, --dir <directory>' would allow -d or --dir to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    See path method for list of supported properties.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.dir('-d, --dir <directory>', {
  desc: 'A directory that must exist on the local file system',
  mustExist: true

See Path / File / Dir for further details and examples.

.enumeration(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as a string, whose value must be one of an enumerated set of choices.

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-e, --enum <value>' would allow -e or --enum to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    In addition to common type properties, the object may also define:

    •  choices: array of strings, no default

      The predefined set of values allowed, given as an array.

      Note that a defaultValue IS NOT required to be one of the valid choices.

    •  caseInsensitive: boolean, default true

      Should case be ignored when matching a parsed value against predefined choices?

      For example, one, One, or ONE would be a valid value for choices ['one', 'two', 'three'].

      Note that case-insensitive matching DOES NOT mean the value assigned in the resulting argv will be modified. The value given on the command line will remain intact.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.enumeration('-e, --env <environment>', {
  desc: 'The deployment environment to work with',
  choices: ['local', 'dev', 'qa', 'stg', 'prd']

See Enum for further details and examples.


Since 1.0.0

Define some content to display at the end of generated help text, just before any error messages.

If called more than once, it will overwrite the previous value.

  •  epilogue: string, no default

    The content to display in help text.

    If no value is given, it will remove any epilogue previously defined (e.g. at a higher command level).

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.epilogue('Visit for detailed documentation')

See Help Text for further details and examples.

.example(example, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add an example command to display in generated help text, between the last group of types and the epilogue.

Call this method multiple times to display multiple examples.

In output, each example will be grouped according to the group property (default 'Examples:'), preceded by a description/desc if given, and prefixed with the examplePrefix from output settings (default '$ ').

  •  example: string, no default

    The example command to display in help text.

    Any uses of $0 in this string will be replaced with the program name and any necessary commands, similar to the generated usage string.

  •  opts: object, no default

    The following configuration properties are supported:

    •  description or desc: string, no default

      A description to display above the example command.

    •  group: string, default 'Examples:'

      Define the header this example should be grouped with when displayed.

    If no description/desc is given, the example will be placed directly under the last example given with a description. This allows you to apply one description to multiple examples.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


  .example('$0 add upstream', {
    desc: 'Add a remote named "upstream"',
    group: 'Git-Style Examples:'
  .example('$0 prune upstream', {
    desc: 'Remove any stale tracking branches from "upstream"',
    group: 'Git-Style Examples:'
  .example('$0 list', {
    desc: 'The following will all run the default "list" command'
  .example('$0 ls')

See Help Text for further details and examples.


Since 1.0.0

If there are multiple example groups, you can control the order in which they should be displayed using this method.

If this method is not used, examples will be displayed by group according to insertion order.

  •  orderArray: array of strings, default ['Examples:']

    An array that defines the desired order of example groups/headers.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.exampleOrder(['First Examples:', 'Second Examples:', 'Other Examples:'])

See Help Text for further details and examples.

.file(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as a file path.

This is equivalent to calling .path(flags, Object.assign({ dirAllowed: false }, opts))

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-f, --file <file>' would allow -f or --file to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    See path method for list of supported properties.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.file('-f, --file <file>', {
  desc: 'A file that must exist on the local file system',
  mustExist: true

See Path / File / Dir for further details and examples.


Since 1.0.0

Use this method to control the order in which type groups/headers should be displayed in help text.

This applies to all types: commands, positional arguments, and flagged options.

Any groups not included in the order will be displayed in insertion order after those included.

  •  orderArray: array of strings, default ['Commands:', 'Arguments:', 'Options:']

    An array that defines the desired order of type groups/headers.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


  'Required Options:',

See Help Text for further details and examples.

.help(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as a boolean and trigger output of help text.

  •  flags: string, default '--help'

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-h, --help' would allow -h or --help to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    In addition to common type properties, the object may also define:

    •  description or desc: string, default 'Show help'

      The description displayed in help text for this option.

    •  implicitCommand: boolean, default true

      Whether to enable implicit commands for any multi-char flags/aliases defined for this option.

      An implicit command allows help text to be requested via command (e.g. program help) as well as by option/flag (e.g. program whatever --help).

    •  includePreface: boolean, default true

      Whether the preface portion of help text (icon and slogan) should be displayed when help is explicitly requested.

    •  includeUsage: boolean, default true

      Whether the usage portion of help text should be displayed when help is explicitly requested.

    •  includeGroups: boolean, default true

      Whether the type groups portion of help text should be displayed when help is explicitly requested.

    •  includeExamples: boolean, default true

      Whether the examples portion of help text should be displayed when help is explicitly requested.

    •  includeEpilogue: boolean, default true

      Whether the epilogue portion of help text should be displayed when help is explicitly requested.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


// use all defaults
// specify just flags'-h, --help')
// specify flags and opts'-h, --help', {
  desc: 'Show this help text',
  group: 'Global Options:',
  implicitCommand: false

See Help and Version for further details and examples.

.number(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as a number.

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-n, --num <number>' would allow -n or --num to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    See common type properties.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


  .number('-p, --port <port>', {
    desc: 'Which port to the app should listen on',
    defaultValue: 8080
  .number('--price <amount>', {
    desc: 'The price in US currency',
    defaultValue: 0.99,
    coerce: val => Number(val.toFixed(2))

See Number for further details and examples.

.numberArray(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as an array of numbers.

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-n, --numbers <values..>' would allow -n or --numbers to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    See array method for list of supported properties.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.numberArray('-s, --sum <x,y,z..>', {
  desc: 'Specify one or more numbers to add together'

See Array for further details and examples.

.option(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that specifies its type in the opts configuration.

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-o, --opt <value>' would allow -o or --opt to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    In addition to common type properties, the object should also define:

    •  type: string, no default

      Specifies the factory name of the type to be added. This may be one of the following built-in types or any name that has been registered with a factory via the registerFactory method: 'boolean', 'string', 'number', 'path', 'file', 'dir', 'enum', 'array'

      A value prefixed with 'array:' will add an array of the specified type.

      In 1.0.0, if no type is specified, no option will be added.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.

Example using built-in types:

  .option('-s, --str <string>', {
    type: 'string',
    desc: 'A string option'
  .option('-i, --ingredients <a,b,c..>', {
    type: 'array:enum', // prefix "array:" to make an array of that type
    choices: ['pb', 'jelly', 'banana', 'apple', 'pickle'],
    desc: 'What would you like on your sandwich?'

Example using custom type:

const Type = require('sywac/types/type')
class Range extends Type {
  get datatype () {
    return 'range'
  setValue (context, value) {
    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
      return context.assignValue(, {start: NaN, finish: NaN})
    const vals = value.split(/(\.)\1{1,}/)
    const numbers = vals.filter(v => v && v !== '.')
    context.assignValue(, {
      start: Number(numbers[0]),
      finish: Number(numbers[1])
  validateValue (value) {
    return value &&
      typeof value.start === 'number' && !isNaN(value.start) &&
      typeof value.finish === 'number' && !isNaN(value.finish)
  buildInvalidMessage (context, msgAndArgs) {
    super.buildInvalidMessage(context, msgAndArgs)
    const value = msgAndArgs.args[0]
    msgAndArgs.args[0] = `{start: ${value.start}, finish: ${value.finish}}`
    msgAndArgs.msg += ' Please specify two numbers.'
  .registerFactory('range', opts => new Range(opts))
  .option('-r, --range <num..num>', {
    type: 'range',
    desc: 'Two numbers separated by two or more dots',
    defaultValue: '1..10',
    strict: true

See General Type Info for more info on types.


Since 1.0.0

Configure output settings for generated help text.

  •  settings: object, no default

    An object representing output configuration, supporting the following properties:

    •  maxWidth: number, default Math.min(100, process.stdout.columns)

      Define the maximum number of character/code-point columns allowed for generated help text.

    •  showHelpOnError: boolean, default true

      Should generated help text be output when a validation error occurs?

      If this is disabled, only the error messages will be output on errors.

    •  examplePrefix: string, default '$ '

      The prefix used before each example command in help text.

    •  lineSep: string, default '\n'

      A string used to separate lines in generated help text.

    •  sectionSep: string, default lineSep + lineSep

      A string used to separate sections in generated help text.

    •  pad: string, default ' '

      A string that is multiplied to define padding between aligned columns in generated help text.

    •  indent: string, default pad + pad

      A string used to define minimum indentation for each aligned column in generated help text.

    •  split: RegExp, default /\s/g

      Used to define word boundaries when dividing a string (like a description) wider than maxWidth into multiple chunks/lines.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


  maxWidth: 75,          // limit help text to 75 columns
  showHelpOnError: false // do not show help text on validations errors

See Help Text for further details and examples.

.path(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as a file or directory path.

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-p, --path <path>' would allow -p or --path to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    In addition to common type properties, the object may also define:

    •  mustExist: boolean, no default

      Enables validation that requires the specified path to either exist or not exist on the local file system.

      Use a value of true to require the path to exist locally.

      Use a value of false to require the path to NOT exist locally.

      If mustExist is undefined, the path will not be validated, to support cases where the path does not apply to the local file system (i.e. could be a remote path).

    •  dirAllowed: boolean, default true

      Should this path allow directories?

      Note that if mustExist is undefined, this property is only suggestive, as commentary in help text.

    •  fileAllowed: boolean, default true

      Should this path allow files?

      Note that if mustExist is undefined, this property is only suggestive, as commentary in help text.

    •  normalize: boolean, default false

      Transform the parsed value into a normalized path string using path.normalize(path).

    •  asObject: boolean, default false

      Transform the parsed value into an object using path.parse(path).

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.path('-p, --path <path>', {
  desc: 'A normalized path',
  normalize: true

See Path / File / Dir for further details and examples.

.positional(dsl, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add one or more positional arguments to your program without using commands.

  •  dsl: string, no default

    A string defining each positional argument, along with any flags that might be used to specify the argument as well.

    Each argument may consist of the following:

    1. flags, surrounded by [ and ] and followed by a space, e.g. [--key] or [-k|--key]
    2. opening delimiter, e.g. use [ if the argument is optional or < if the argument is required
    3. aliases and implicit type, separated by |, e.g. name or name|email or string or file
    4. explicit type, preceded by :, e.g. :number or :enum or :path
    5. variadic designation via .., which wraps the type in an array and accepts multiple values
    6. default value, preceded by =, e.g. =package.json or =8080
    7. closing delimiter (if opening delimiter was defined), e.g. use ] or >

    The only thing required for each argument is its alias(es).

    If no flags are given, the argument will only be defined by position during parsing.

    If no opening or closing delimiters are given, the argument is assumed to be required.

    If no explicit type is given, the type will be defined implicitly by the first alias (if the alias matches the name of any registered factories) or will default to a string.

    Note that the dsl string will be used in generated usage and help text by default. Therefore you can include content in the dsl string that is purely commentary and should not be interpreted as explicit positional arguments. To do this, just specify the content to ignore via the ignore property in opts.

  •  opts: object, no default

    The following configuration properties are supported:

    •  ignore: string or array of strings, no default

      Words to ignore in the dsl string.

      For example, if your dsl string was '<name> [options] [others..]' and wanted [options] and [others..] to be used only for help text, you could specify ignore: ['[options]', '[others..]'] and then <name> would be the only positional arg added.

    •  params: array of objects, default determined by dsl

      Each object in the array will be treated as opts for the respective type in the dsl string.

      If you specify type for the object in params, it will override the implicit/explicit type determined from the dsl string.

      Refer to common type properties or the option method or the method for the type to see all supported properties.

    •  paramsDescription or paramsDesc: string or array of strings, no default

      Use this to add a description for the positional args in the dsl string without having to define params.

      If you provide a string, it will be used for the first positional arg in the dsl string.

      If you provide an array, each string will be used for the respective positional arg in the dsl string.

    •  paramsGroup: string, default 'Arguments:'

      Use this to define the help text group header for all positional args in the dsl string, instead of defining the group in every object of params.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


// this defines two positional args:
// 1. service: string, required, positional only, no default
// 2. host or H: string, optional, positional or flag, default 'localhost'
sywac.positional('<service> [-H|--host] [host=localhost]', {
  paramsDesc: [
    'The service to deploy',
    'The target deployment host'

See Positionals for further details and examples.

.preface(logo, slogan)

Since 1.0.0

Define a logo and/or slogan to display at the beginning of generated help text.

If called more than once, it will overwrite any previous value(s).

  •  logo: string, no default

    A string representing the logo for your CLI/app to display in generated help text.

    Try combining a figlet ASCII font with chalk colors for a quick and pretty logo.

  •  slogan: string, no default

    A string representing a slogan or description for your CLI/app to display in generated help text.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


const figlet = require('figlet')
  figlet.textSync('npm-check', 'Stop'),
  'Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.'

See Help Text for further details and examples.

.registerFactory(name, factory)

Since 1.0.0

Register a factory method/function that should be used to create type instances for the given name.

Use this to plug in your own types into the framework, or use it to override the factories for built-in types.

Note that this should be called before other methods that use the factory.

  •  name: string, no default

    The name of the type referenced by option, positional, or internally by any type-named method.

    For example, the factory for 'boolean' is used by the boolean method.

  •  factory: function, no default

    The function that returns a new type instance for each invocation.

    It should accept one argument representing the opts configuration object for the type.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


  // add a new type
  .registerFactory('port', opts => new TypePort(opts))
  // override an existing one
  .registerFactory('boolean', opts => new CustomBoolean(opts))

See Custom Types for further details and examples.


Since 1.0.0

Enable a mode that outputs help text when no arguments or options are given on the command line.

In a command-driven configuration, this will add a default command (if no default command is explicitly defined) at each subcommand level that outputs the help text. The idea is to show help when no explicit command/subcommand is given on the command line.

  •  boolean: boolean, default true

    Whether to enable the mode or not.

    Any value other than false (including no value) will enable the mode.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.




Since 1.3.0

In strict mode, unrecognized flags and positional arguments will generate an error.

  •  boolean: boolean, default true

    Whether to enable the mode or not.

    Any value other than false (including no value) will enable the mode.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.




Default commands are considered unrecognized arguments, so if your program has a default command make sure to disable strict mode for that command.


  .command('start', { run: () => console.log('start') })
  .command('stop', { run: () => console.log('stop') })
  .command('*', {
    setup: sywac => {
    run: () => console.log('default')

.string(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as a string.

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-s, --str <string>' would allow -s or --str to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    See common type properties.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.string('-n, --name <name>', {
  desc: 'Specify a name'

See String for further details and examples.

.stringArray(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as an array of strings.

This is a more explicit form of .array(flags, opts).

  •  flags: string, no default

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-a, --array <values..>' would allow -a or --array to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    See array method for list of supported properties.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


sywac.stringArray('-n, --names <a,b,c..>', {
  desc: 'Specify one or more names'

See Array for further details and examples.


Since 1.0.0

Define functions to style respective portions of generated help text.

  •  hooks: object, no default

    The following properties are supported:

    •  usagePrefix: function, no default

      Style the prefix part of generated usage, i.e. 'Usage: program'

    •  usagePositionals: function, no default

      Style the positionals part of generated usage, if any, as defined by positional.

    •  usageCommandPlaceholder: function, no default

      Style the command placeholder part of generated usage, if commands are defined, i.e. '<command>'

    •  usageArgsPlaceholder: function, no default

      Style the args placeholder part of generated usage, if a defined command has positional args, i.e. '<args>'

    •  usageOptionsPlaceholder: function, no default

      Style the options placeholder part of generated usage, if options are defined, i.e. '[options]'

    •  group: function, no default

      Style each group header for defined types in generated help text.

    •  flags: function, no default

      Style the flags for each defined type in generated help text.

    •  desc: function, no default

      Style the description for each defined type and example in generated help text.

    •  hints: function, no default

      Style the generated hints for each defined type in generated help text.

    •  groupError: function, default is group style

      Style each group header for types that have validation errors.

    •  flagsError: function, default is flags style

      Style the flags for each type that has a validation error.

    •  descError: function, default is desc style

      Style the description for each type that has a validation error.

    •  hintsError: function, default is hints style

      Style the generated hints for each type that has a validation error.

    •  messages: function, no default

      Style the validation error messages.

    •  example: function, default is flags style (since 1.1.0)

      Style each example command in generated help text.

    •  all: function, no default (since 1.1.0)

      A hook to modify the rendered/styled help text as a whole.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


const chalk = require('chalk'){
  // style usage components
  usagePrefix: str => {
    return chalk.white(str.slice(0, 6)) + ' ' + chalk.magenta(str.slice(7))
  usageCommandPlaceholder: str => chalk.magenta(str),
  usagePositionals: str =>,
  usageArgsPlaceholder: str =>,
  usageOptionsPlaceholder: str =>,
  // style normal help text
  group: str => chalk.white(str),
  flags: (str, type) => {
    let style = type.datatype === 'command' ? chalk.magenta :
    if (str.startsWith('-')) style = style.dim
    return style(str)
  desc: str => chalk.cyan(str),
  hints: str => chalk.dim(str),
  example: str => {
    return chalk.yellow(str.slice(0, 2)) +
      str.slice(2).split(' ').map(word => {
        return word.startsWith('-') ? : chalk.gray(word)
      }).join(' ')
  // use different style when a type is invalid
  groupError: str =>,
  flagsError: str =>,
  descError: str => chalk.yellow(str),
  hintsError: str =>,
  // style error messages
  messages: str =>

See Style Hooks for further details and examples.


Since 1.0.0

Define your own static usage string for help text, or customize each part of the generated usage string.

  •  usage: string or object

    If usage is a string, it defines the full usage string portion of generated help text, disabling the auto-generated usage string.

    If usage is an object, it may define the following properties:

    •  usage: string, default is auto-generated

      Defines the full usage string, disabling the auto-generated one.

    •  prefix: string, default 'Usage: $0'

      Defines the prefix part of the generated usage string.

      The $0 will be replaced with the program name and any necessary commands.

    •  commandPlaceholder: string, default '<command>'

      Defines the command placeholder part of the generated usage string.

      Only used if commands are defined.

    •  argsPlaceholder: string, default '<args>'

      Defines the args placeholder part of the generated usage string.

      Only used if a command is defined with positional args.

    •  optionsPlaceholder: string, default '[options]'

      Defines the options placeholder part of the generated usage string.

      Only used if flagged options are defined.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


  prefix: 'Usage:\n  $0'

See Help Text for further details and examples.

.version(flags, opts)

Since 1.0.0

Add a flagged option that should be parsed as a boolean and trigger output of the program version number.

  •  flags: string, default '--version'

    Defines the flags used in help text and aliases to expect when parsing.

    For example, '-v, --version' would allow -v or --version to be given when parsing.

  •  opts: object, no default

    In addition to common type properties, the object may also define:

    •  description or desc: string, default 'Show version number'

      The description displayed in help text for this option.

    •  implicitCommand: boolean, default true

      Whether to enable implicit commands for any multi-char flags/aliases defined for this option.

      An implicit command allows the program version to be requested via command (e.g. program version) as well as by option/flag (e.g. program whatever --version).

    •  version: string or function, default will be determined from package.json

      Define this property to forgo package.json lookup and use the given version instead.

      If version is a string, it will be output as the program version.

      If version is a function, it should be synchronous, and its returned value will be output as the program version.

Returns the Api instance for method chaining.


// use all defaults
// specify just flags
sywac.version('-v, --version')
// specify flags and opts
sywac.version('-v, --version', {
  desc: 'Output the program version number',
  group: 'Global Options:',
  implicitCommand: false,
  version: '1.2.3'

See Help and Version for further details and examples.